Monday, November 23, 2020

Lots of Copenhagen

Hey everybody! This week was super fun!

We were in Copenhagen on Tuesday and Wednesday and it was fun to be with 2 more elders from my MTC group.  I got to go on splits with a former sister missionary from my grandparents mission on Temple Square.  It was fun to catch up and just to be in Copenhagen!

We had a mission conference and we got to walk around Copenhagen.  It was awesome to be with the other missionaries!  I'm always way more uplifted when I leave them.  I then went on splits with my old trainee, Elder Grabe.  We had a good time! Right as we were about to go to bed I got a call from the APs. They said we need to go help some elders that ran out of gas close to our area 😂  so we got our shoes on, went and got a gas can and drove out to them.  It was hilarious and a fun night hahah!

I loved the video of President Nelson! I know that he is a Prophet of God and he guides our church through direct revelation from God. If you haven't done it yet, take his challenge.  You wont regret it :)  I love you all!  Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

Monday, November 16, 2020

Back with the OG

Hey everybody!  The last 2 weeks have been great.  This week I got a new companion, my MTC companion Elder Madsen!  It's been super fun to be with him again.  I've enjoyed it.  This week we put our friend Mette on baptismal date!  She answered all of the baptismal questions perfectly and so we are making a goal for the 16th of January.  I also got to go back to my first area (Randers) and see Niels get baptized.  Back in the day, Elder Millett and myself found Niels and taught him his first lessons so it was super awesome to see him get baptized!  I love the gospel and the opportunity to become better each day.  Use the greatest gift ever of the Atonement and enjoy the blessings!!  I love you all...have a great week :)

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

Monday, November 2, 2020

30 days and double splits

Hey everyone!  This week was a super fun one!!  We had a meeting in the mission called 30 days in, where we go to the mission home with the trainers and trainees and then discuss how the first 30 days have gone and then just hang out!  It was good to be with some other missionaries and President and Sister Olsen and to learn a little bit.  After that, I went straight on splits with Elder Madsen and it was super fun.  We spent some time chasing after some ducks and tryna catch them but we failed hahaha. We'll get em next time, update coming.  I then had splits with Elder Millett and that was great too. 

I love the relationships that I've made in Denmark...I'm very grateful for them.  I have seen countless times at eating appointments or whatever it could be, that i really love and care about the people here and in a way i feel like I can see them through Christ's eyes.  I know that Christ lives and loves everyone of us.  Read the scriptures and pray this week it will change your life!  Commit to be better every day :)  I love you all!  Have a great week.

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher