Thursday, February 18, 2021

Reading with a purpose

 Hey guys!

I hope everyone has had a great week!   This week was a good one for me.  We had Zone Conference which is always good to get together and we had a ton of fun in general.  It's been snowing here, which is pretty rare here so I've loved that.  We were out contacting the other day when we were stopped by a city worker who gave us two sleds because they were gonna get thrown away so we put them to use by surfing down the hills in the was a super good time haha!  It's good to find the joy in every day.  It has been fun being the only American in an apartment with 3 other Europeans.  I definitely have gotten to know more about their cultures!

This week a member gave a talk about reading the scriptures.  He talked about the difference between reading the scriptures just because we have to or reading them for a purpose.  We miss out on the opportunities and blessings that come from reading the scriptures with full intent of heart.  He said we always get the most out of the scriptures when we are focusing on coming towards God, being forgiven, finding an answer, or for any problems we might face.  Study the scriptures daily with full intent of heart and keep working on coming to Christ.  

Have a great week!  Jesus loves you all and so do I!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

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