Monday, February 8, 2021

Two Danes, a German and me

Hey everyone!  So this week I got a new companion.  He's a native Dane & a really nice guy.  We have another set of elders living with us in the same apartment and it's been super fun just a little tight 😂  I'm the only American in our place.  Two Danes, one German and me! 

I hit my 4 month countdown mark today which is crazy!  I've come to love and appreciate Denmark & my mission so much.  I have learned some of the most important life lessons but the biggest blessing is that I've come closer to God!  This week I was thinking a lot about being thankful.  How often is it that we pray to God and ask for help and then when we receive it, we forget to give thanks?  It is super important to take in the small things every day and be thankful for everything God has given us.  He has given us this awesome Earth, our families, friends, hobbies etc. but most important he has given us the Atonement and the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Without Him we wouldn't have anything!!  I love this church and I love Jesus Christ!  I testify that He is God's son.  I love you all!  Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher 

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