Hey everybody!! I hope your week is going good and that you had a good 24th of July!! The MTC is awesome and I'm loving it so much. We do a lot of the same stuff every day, but I'm learning so much still. Every week is starting to fly by faster and faster. We have such a sick district and zone. I'm gonna be super sad to leave them, but I'm more excited for the field!! This week we were studying Christlike attributes and it was cool because we had to examine how we were being like Christ and if we were not then we had to change what wasn't like him. We also watched a talk this week called "Safety to the Soul" by Elder Holland. It is such a cool talk!! I want all of you to watch it if you can. It will strengthen your testimony of The Book of Mormon!
Funny (and actually gross) story for the week: A few different times this week, when I go shower there is a pair of pooped in garments, so they must be putting something in the food here that is killing someone hahhaha ;). We are going to find out who is doing this dirty deed.
I love the mission and I'm so ready to get to Denmark and serve the people. The crazy thing is, I only have 10 more days!!
Love you all and hope everyone's doing good :)
Send me an email during the week and say whats up and i'll get back to you! kalvin.fisher@missionary.org