Thursday, July 25, 2019

One month down!

Hey everybody!! I hope your week is going good and that you had a good 24th of July!!  The MTC is awesome and I'm loving it so much.  We do a lot of the same stuff every day, but I'm learning so much still.  Every week is starting to fly by faster and faster. We have such a sick district and zone. I'm gonna be super sad to leave them, but I'm more excited for the field!! This week we were studying Christlike attributes and it was cool because we had to examine how we were being like Christ and if we were not then we had to change what wasn't like him.  We also watched a talk this week called "Safety to the Soul" by Elder Holland. It is such a cool talk!! I want all of you to watch it if you can. It will strengthen your testimony of The Book of Mormon! 

Funny (and actually gross) story for the week: A few different times this week, when I go shower there is a pair of pooped in garments, so they must be putting something in the food here that is killing someone hahhaha ;). We are going to find out who is doing this dirty deed.  

I love the mission and I'm so ready to get to Denmark and serve the people.  The crazy thing is, I only have 10 more days!! 

Love you all and hope everyone's doing good :)

Send me an email during the week and say whats up and i'll get back to you!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Three weeks in the books!

Hey everybody! I've officially hit the half way mark in the MTC and I'm getting to where I actually really like it here. I'm getting closer and closer with my district...they're all good guys.

On Tuesday I took a day trip with three other elders in my district to San Francisco to have my visa appointment with the Danish consulate. We had to be up and ready to go at 3:30am. We left the MTC, went to the airport and then caught a 7:00am flight to San Francisco. We went straight to the subway station and then onto the consulate for our appointments. After, we did have time to go to Ghiradelli square for one of the best ice cream cones I've ever eaten. Then we headed back to the airport. While we were waiting for our flight, a man decided it was his time to come over to us and tell us why he thinks we're going to Hell. That was fun. I asked him if he has ever read the Book of Mormon and he said "I've read enough" then I said "how much is enough?" and he ignored my question. Even though I wanted to punch him square in the face, I really wanted to go up to him after and thank him because it only made my testimony stronger. But, I have to say that it was soooo nice to get out of the MTC for a day and eat normal food and talk to a lot of members that were so nice to us. 

Today, we got to clean some of the Provo temple for a few hours during our P-day. The spirit was super strong there. The temple is closed for the whole time that I'm in the MTC so it was cool to be able to go in there and feel the spirit, even if I was just on the cleaning crew.

Other than that, it's been a pretty normal week with lots of Danish and lots of gospel study which I'm loving. The MTC is getting super packed down here! We have to wait about a 1/2 hour every night at dinner time just to get a plate of food. It's crazy but fun to see lots of missionaries that I know showing up at the MTC. Only 2 1/2 more weeks and I'll be headed to Denmark!

Hope everyone is doing good. Love you all! Remember to pray and read your scriptures. 

Ældster Fisher

Thursday, July 11, 2019

No more jumping...

Hi everybody! Hopefully you all had a good week. Celebrating the 4th of July in the MTC was cool. We got to watch the Stadium of Fire fireworks and we had a devotional on religious freedom and it made me realize how lucky we are to be able to worship how we want and free to believe what we want. 

Fast Sunday was hard, but it was a cool experience because it was my first fast Sunday in the MTC. I had to rely on the Savior and it really helped a lot. Especially thinking that my wimpy 24 hour fast is nothing compared to what he has sacrificed for all of us. 

The Danish language is a tricky one. We are putting about 8 hours a day into learning it so hopefully I'll know some things when I get to Denmark. I'm getting better at understanding it and I've already taught three 30 minute lessons, so that's good. 

Learning more about the Gospel has been one of my favorite parts of the MTC. It's calming and gives me a break from the language classes. 

Funny story...On Monday, we were jumping in the elevator and one of the guys noticed a light flickering like something was wrong, but we didn't believe him until it totally stopped. We opened the doors and realized that we were stuck in between floors. It took about 30 minutes before someone could get it fixed and get us out of there. Whoops. I guess no more jumping in elevators for me. 

I've already learned so much and I'm getting more and more excited to get into the mission field.  I have just over 3 more weeks and then i leave.

I love you all and hope you guys have a good week!  I'd love to hear from you! My email is:

Until next week!

Ælster Fisher

Thursday, July 4, 2019

One week down

Happy 4th of July everybody! This has been the longest, hardest week of my life by far but it's been really cool to see how much you can learn in a week. The MTC is a crazy place! You're constantly going, going, going and it's really hard work but I've grown so much. My district is awesome and so is my companion. He's a stud. His name is Elder Madsen and he's from Oregon. I'm so lucky to have him, he's helped me feel normal and keep pushing through the days. I'm studying the language for about 8 hours out of the day and I can tell you that the gift of tongues is for sure real! I know that I have a long way to go with the language but I'm learning more and more every day. I've never missed my family this much before but I know I'm doing the right thing and I know this is what I'm suppose to do and I'm suppose to go to Denmark.
Two things that I've learned this week: 
1) if we have faith in Jesus Christ, anything is possible. 
2) this is a completely foreign environment with tons of people that I don't know but the one thing that is familiar to me is the gospel. Reading the book of mormon brings me peace and comfort. I know it'll only get better from here.
Whenever I see a fence, my first thought is to jump over it and run home (ha, ha) but I know I'd be mad at myself if I didn't stick to what I've already committed to do.
The spirit here is super strong. I'm so grateful for the opportunity and I have to be here. Even though I miss everyone at home so much, I know I'm where I'm suppose to be.
Until next you all.

Ældste Fisher

PS: getting emails or letters is the best thing ever so drop me a line when you get a chance :)