Hey everyone!!
This week was a good one! I love my new comp, Elder Welch!! He is such a funny kid and he is way nice. We worked way hard this week and had a lesson with the Blankensteiners! We talked about faith in Jesus Christ and both the mother and one of the sons talked about baptism!! It's looking good for them... let's hope and pray it keeps going good.
My comp is such a sweet kid but he's not very good at riding bikes. I think he has fallen off his bike at least 5 times hahahah!! Anyways I love you all and I hope you're doing good. Remember that God loves you and is watching over you always. Have a good week!!
If you haven't seen a video called "Finding Faith in Christ" I would recommend that you go watch it. You can find it in the gospel library film section :)
Kærlig hilsen
Ældste Fisher
- Elder selfie with Welch
Monday, January 27, 2020
Monday, January 20, 2020
No no no!!
Hey everybody!! Seeing how I've been sitting on a train for 6 hours today, I thought I'd write my weekly email real quick.
This week the ZL’s came up on splits with us and when we were knocking doors this lady opened the door, stared at us for a good 20 seconds, screamed at us in Danish saying "goodbye!" And so Elder Peterson said "okay have a good day" and she screamed back "no no no!!" Hahah I think it's funny how scared people are of happiness and truth!! Oh well...
We learned a funny Danish phrase this week:
Far, Får får får? Nej, får får ikke får, Får får lam. It’s kinda like: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers but Danish style. And it’s about sheep instead of peppers. Ha, ha!
This week was a good one. Not too much went on, but I did find out on Saturday that I was getting a new companion. His name is Elder Welch and he’s from Gilbert AZ. He is a nice kid and so I'm looking forward to it. I will be finishing his training which will be stressful but cool. I’m excited for the challenge!
This week I have a scripture to go along with the spiritual thought. Alma 5:14. It asks; if we have received his image in our countenances. I think it is pretty easy to tell when somebody has the light with them. They are happy, and their eyes shine. We are here on Earth for a number of reasons. We make mistakes, learn, grow, and then hopefully get back to our Heavenly Father. What can we be doing better to receive the countenance of God this week?
The mission isn't easy but it is fun!! I'm gonna miss Elder Ogden but I'm ready for Elder Welch.
Love you all and I hope you have a good week!
Ældste Fisher
1) One of a kind pizza from Aalborg
2) Just chillin’ on a big rock
3) Delicious Danish hot dog
4) When it’s cold outside, sometimes you justify need a hot cocoa and cinnamon roll
5) Elder Ogden and I’s last night together
This week the ZL’s came up on splits with us and when we were knocking doors this lady opened the door, stared at us for a good 20 seconds, screamed at us in Danish saying "goodbye!" And so Elder Peterson said "okay have a good day" and she screamed back "no no no!!" Hahah I think it's funny how scared people are of happiness and truth!! Oh well...
We learned a funny Danish phrase this week:
Far, Får får får? Nej, får får ikke får, Får får lam. It’s kinda like: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers but Danish style. And it’s about sheep instead of peppers. Ha, ha!
This week was a good one. Not too much went on, but I did find out on Saturday that I was getting a new companion. His name is Elder Welch and he’s from Gilbert AZ. He is a nice kid and so I'm looking forward to it. I will be finishing his training which will be stressful but cool. I’m excited for the challenge!
This week I have a scripture to go along with the spiritual thought. Alma 5:14. It asks; if we have received his image in our countenances. I think it is pretty easy to tell when somebody has the light with them. They are happy, and their eyes shine. We are here on Earth for a number of reasons. We make mistakes, learn, grow, and then hopefully get back to our Heavenly Father. What can we be doing better to receive the countenance of God this week?
The mission isn't easy but it is fun!! I'm gonna miss Elder Ogden but I'm ready for Elder Welch.
Love you all and I hope you have a good week!
Ældste Fisher
1) One of a kind pizza from Aalborg
2) Just chillin’ on a big rock
3) Delicious Danish hot dog
4) When it’s cold outside, sometimes you justify need a hot cocoa and cinnamon roll
5) Elder Ogden and I’s last night together
Monday, January 13, 2020
"Go for it Man"
Howdy!! This week was a great one!! Let's get into it...
This week I got to go on splits in Aalborg with an Elder in my district. It's a big city and it is so sick!! We had some funny stuff happen hahah. There was a drug deal that we witnessed like 10 feet in front of our face right before we got to the church to go on splits, we had a drunk guy yell at us on a bus about how stupid the Danes are and kept telling us to "go for it man!" Hahah... and then we had a lesson in Aalborg and it was so sick. I got the chance to bear my testimony on the Book of Mormon and I made a promise to the couple that if they read in it they would receive the answers they were looking for. When I said that the girl said "that's a bold promise" and I told her that I wouldn't have said it if I didnt believe it!
I gave my second talk in sacrament this week! Right before I was about to talk the second counselor came up to me and asked if I would speak for 30 MINUTES because the other speaker didn't show up so I agreed and just added some stuff in my talk and it actually went great. My ward mission leader said that I spoke really good Danish and I only made one grammatical error the whole time!! Gift of tongues, I tell ya!!
My spiritual thought this week is about God and Jesus Christ. I have found that as we make them the center of our lives everything becomes a little happier and a little easier to handle the trials that we all go through. They are our bread and butter!! They love us more than we could ever know. I want you all to read Romans 8:31, 35-39. I love you all and thanks to all of you who write me!! Remember that you are never alone, God loves you, and try to put them at the center of your life and I PROMISE that everything will be better.
Pray and read your scriptures.
Kærlig hilsen
Ældste Fisher
1) Aalborg waterfront
2) Street in Aalborg
3) View of the city
4) An outdoor gym to get pumped up
This week I got to go on splits in Aalborg with an Elder in my district. It's a big city and it is so sick!! We had some funny stuff happen hahah. There was a drug deal that we witnessed like 10 feet in front of our face right before we got to the church to go on splits, we had a drunk guy yell at us on a bus about how stupid the Danes are and kept telling us to "go for it man!" Hahah... and then we had a lesson in Aalborg and it was so sick. I got the chance to bear my testimony on the Book of Mormon and I made a promise to the couple that if they read in it they would receive the answers they were looking for. When I said that the girl said "that's a bold promise" and I told her that I wouldn't have said it if I didnt believe it!
I gave my second talk in sacrament this week! Right before I was about to talk the second counselor came up to me and asked if I would speak for 30 MINUTES because the other speaker didn't show up so I agreed and just added some stuff in my talk and it actually went great. My ward mission leader said that I spoke really good Danish and I only made one grammatical error the whole time!! Gift of tongues, I tell ya!!
My spiritual thought this week is about God and Jesus Christ. I have found that as we make them the center of our lives everything becomes a little happier and a little easier to handle the trials that we all go through. They are our bread and butter!! They love us more than we could ever know. I want you all to read Romans 8:31, 35-39. I love you all and thanks to all of you who write me!! Remember that you are never alone, God loves you, and try to put them at the center of your life and I PROMISE that everything will be better.
Pray and read your scriptures.
Kærlig hilsen
Ældste Fisher
1) Aalborg waterfront
2) Street in Aalborg
3) View of the city
4) An outdoor gym to get pumped up
Monday, January 6, 2020
The Northern Elders
Hey! This week was a good one. Thursday night we traveled down to Randers to go on splits and stayed the night there. It was fun to be in Randers for a day with Elder Modersitzki. He's such a cool bro! I miss Randers a ton and it made my heart happy to be there again :) Other than the road trip, it was a pretty normal week just working.
At church on Sunday, I prayed and ask God to help me see why I'm on a mission. A lady got up and bore her testimony on missionary work. She said that she knows it's not easy but it's so important. She mentioned Elder Ogden and I and said how much she appreciated us and respects us. One thing that I've learned while out here is that God answers prayers! That's for sure.
A funny thing that happened...while we were out knocking there was a sign on a front door that said "If my dogs come out and bite you, lay down and act like you're dead or yell for help. If no help comes, good luck!" I thought that was pretty funny hahah so then we knocked on her door and her dogs came out and sure enough, one bit my leg and then attempted to bite me in my nether regions. I slapped it away and we just ran away from that house hahah!! We then knocked the whole half mile street and every single person told us no :) Fun!!
Anyways I love you guys and I'd love to hear from you!!! Pray and read your scriptures it will make you so much happier!!
Kærlig hilsen
Ældste Fisher
- Me and Elder Modersitzki with my favorite green treat
- most of the Northern Elders
- just a small little kabob
- Randers sunset :)
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Bring on 2020!!
Yo yo!! This week was a good one!! We celebrated Christmas and New Years big time!! To the Danes, Christmas is mainly celebrated on the 24th so we went and ate with a family and their cousins. It was so fun! They do some fun stuff like dance around the Christmas tree and eat some good Christmas food. Everyone was so nice to my comp and I. We both got like 6 presents! It was so cool to see how much they love us...I know we love them just as much :)
We had a pretty normal week with missionary work and even had some cool experiences. We knocked on a lot of doors and we have a couple people who want us to come back. This week I have focused on Jesus Christ and his Atonement. It covers everything. There is no depth it doesn't reach. I tried to focus more on it because of Christmas and it was great. One of my favorite scriptures is Alma 7:11. It talks about how Jesus Christ takes upon himself our pains, sicknesses and weaknesses. The Atonement is for more than just sins 🙂 Jesus Christ knows each one of us and loves us perfectly. It's amazing to think about because in the mission field you can see your flaws a lot more. I've learned that if I focus on Christ and try to improve and repent daily, I am much happier. I invite you all to do the same 🙂
One funny thing that happened this week...we ate with some members and there was a recent convert there and they gave us non alcoholic beer. The lady didn't know that it was non-alcoholic and almost lost her mind hahahah... she was trying to get our attention the whole time and tell us to read the label on the can hah! New Years was crazy here! It sounded like a war zone with all the fireworks. We watched the Queen of Denmark give a speech on tv, ate some good food and played some board games with our ward mission leader. It made for a fun night! I hope you all have a great New Year and make some goals on how you can come closer to Christ this year!! Read the Book of Mormon every day, even if it's just a verse. I know it will help!! I love you all...
Godt nytår!!
Ældste Fisher
We had a pretty normal week with missionary work and even had some cool experiences. We knocked on a lot of doors and we have a couple people who want us to come back. This week I have focused on Jesus Christ and his Atonement. It covers everything. There is no depth it doesn't reach. I tried to focus more on it because of Christmas and it was great. One of my favorite scriptures is Alma 7:11. It talks about how Jesus Christ takes upon himself our pains, sicknesses and weaknesses. The Atonement is for more than just sins 🙂 Jesus Christ knows each one of us and loves us perfectly. It's amazing to think about because in the mission field you can see your flaws a lot more. I've learned that if I focus on Christ and try to improve and repent daily, I am much happier. I invite you all to do the same 🙂
One funny thing that happened this week...we ate with some members and there was a recent convert there and they gave us non alcoholic beer. The lady didn't know that it was non-alcoholic and almost lost her mind hahahah... she was trying to get our attention the whole time and tell us to read the label on the can hah! New Years was crazy here! It sounded like a war zone with all the fireworks. We watched the Queen of Denmark give a speech on tv, ate some good food and played some board games with our ward mission leader. It made for a fun night! I hope you all have a great New Year and make some goals on how you can come closer to Christ this year!! Read the Book of Mormon every day, even if it's just a verse. I know it will help!! I love you all...
Godt nytår!!
Ældste Fisher
1) Danish Christmas Tree
2) Elder Ogden and me
3) Biked up to Strandby, its the city just above Frederikshavn
4) Strandby beach
5) 2020 creamy drink
6) Our Mission Ward leaders Dad is a baker and made this New Year's cake masterpiece
New Years celebrating...hooray!
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