Monday, March 30, 2020

Lock down in Aarhus

Elder Fisher's mission president has decided to put the missionaries into groups of four to wait out the quarantine so Elder Fisher and his companion have moved down to Aarhus for the next few weeks.  As far as we know, he will be staying in Denmark to finish out his mission unless something else changes.  He's excited about that!  One good thing about being on a quarantine is that they have been able to take a few day trips to see some of the cool sights around them.  Here are a few pictures from his week :)

1) went to explore some cool WW2 German bunkers
2) Drove back up to Skagen to see where the seas meet
3) Selfie in Skagen
4) Drove to the west coast of Denmark to visit the Rubjerg lighthouse and sand dunes
5) Elder Fisher and Welch were able to call home on Sunday to teach their families a lesson on the Restoration

1) Talking to a seal up at Skagen
2) Inside one of the German bunkers
3) Elder Fisher sharing a message in Danish

Monday, March 23, 2020

Week two of lock down

Hey guys! Another great week of quarantine!!

We are doing well just living our lives (mostly in our apartment) and trying to adjust to this new way of missionary work.  The Lords work will carry on no matter what.  This is a perfect time for all of us to come closer to Christ and study every day.  We never know when he is coming but we can try and be ready.  FAITH OVER FEAR!

I wanna rip my hair out some days but I love the peace I feel from the gospel and being on this mission, even with its ups and downs.  As for now, I'm staying here in Denmark to wait it all out. It's crazy how many of my buddies are headed home because of this virus.  I'm definitely thinking of all of you!! 

 I love you all!!  Have a great week, stay safe and healthy!  I would love to hear from you all!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


1) Quarantine selfie
2) Overlooking Frederikshavn


1) More quarantine boredom

Monday, March 16, 2020

Quarantined fun!

This week was a crazy one!  We are officially quarantined as a mission here in that's fun.  Not really.  We are only allowed to leave our apartment in the morning for exercise and once a day for an hour walk.  We are 4 days in out of 14 days (or more).

Other than that, we are doing great and I'm loving serving out here.  I don't have much to write this week because not much is going on but I did want to share a spiritual thought about President Nelson.  He has prepared us for this moment by creating the Come Follow Me program for us to learn and study with our families in our homes and telling us to take our vitamins lol!!  But for real, I know he is a Prophet of God and he leads our church today through our Heavenly Father.

I love you all and I love hearing from you especially because I'm a little bored in Frederikshavn lately.  Have a great week, live your lives and have fun (and follow the rules of course)!  Don't let the fear of Corona or anything else keep you from doing great things!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


1) took a picture with one of the members in Frederikshavn before it wasn't allowed to stand close to other people and before we were put on lock down
2) sunset out my window
3) a nice member dropped off some yummy food to us
4) we went to a cool park on one of our daily walks


1) Quarantined boredom 

Monday, March 9, 2020

Floor ball mishap

Howdy!!  Hahaha...a lot of the older people in our ward greet us by saying that.  They think we're cowboys!!

This week was a great one!  We had some miracles and a lot of fun!!  We were out street contacting on Saturday and we talked with a young guy named Rasmus.  He said he wasn't much of a religious guy but when I told him that our God is loving, forgiving, and has a plan for our lives, he was very interested and said he would love to learn more about it!  Earlier that day I had prayed for help in our area that we would find more friends to teach.  God answers our prayers :)

This week we were playing Floor ball (like hockey but with a whiffle ball) and I was running super fast with the ball when an aggressive, sneaky kid stuck his stick in between my feet and it was like someone stuck a stick in the spokes of my body bike hahaha.  I went down hard and fast and hit the ground something fierce.  Ouch.

My spiritual thought this week is about service and bearing your testimony.  There are opportunities every single day to serve people.  Some can be big, some can be small.  But whatever it is, DO IT!!  Service has made me the happiest because it gets me to focus on others, rather than myself.  Often times when you serve, you will also be able to bare your testimony to people which will also lift you up!  Do you see where I'm going with this??  The times when we are giving to others and focusing on their needs and how we can help them come closer to Christ, we will often come closer to Christ ourselves.  So forget yourself and go to work!  There are people who need to see your smiling face and people who need this gospel in there lives, and some of them can be members too.  Look for opportunities to serve others and try every single day to have the pure love of Christ in your heart and I promise this will change your life, like it has mine.

I love you all and I hope you have a great week!!

Kærlig hilsen 

Ældste Fisher

PS: I found a really cool Crossfit gym in Frederikshavn.  I looked like a kid standing outside a candy store, staring into the windows.  Ha, ha.  One day I'll go back and get a Danish Crossfit workout in.


1) Outside Crossfit Frederikshavn
2) Inside shot of the gym
3) Huge shipyard
4) Just standing in a field in Denmark
5) Port in Strandby
6) Opposite few in Strandby


- Elder Welch and myself playfully pestering a chicken/bird/fowl. I have no idea what that thing is

Monday, March 2, 2020

What's up Wasseam!

Hey guys!!  This week was good!  We had some cool experiences and also had some fun stuff happen.

On Friday we had a lesson with our new friend, Wasseam!  We met him when we were on splits in Hjørring last week.  He's a young kid (16 or 17) who is Muslim and wants to hear about our religion.  We taught him about the Restoration and answered a ton of questions he had.  He's still interested and wants to meet with us soon so let's hope this works out!

This week we were going to do some service for a member who needed help moving a playhouse in his yard, so we biked out to his house in the rain.  When we got there we were soaking wet but it was fine and actually pretty normal.  Once we started moving the thing we realized we couldn't get it to the back of the house so he just had us set it down and we didn't end up moving it after all hahah!!  It was still fun though because we got to try and help someone out!

We had stake conference on Sunday and it was so good to see all my friends from the mission and some of my favorite members from Randers 🙂  There was a bunch of great talks from the youth in Denmark!  It was so cool to see their faith and how awesome they are!!  One talk that stood out to me however was given by one of the counselors in the Stake Presidency.  He talked about 3 things we need to remember and 3 things we need to forget.

Three things to remember:
- Christ
- Sabbath day
- The worth of souls is great in the eyes of God

Three things to forget:
- Past sins and mistakes
- Others mistakes and sins
- Ourselves!

He talked about how the happiest we can be is when we are serving others!  I invite you all to write down every day how you served someone today and keep track of it.  It will boost your happiness and help you serve others better!!  If we worry about our problems we are missing out on helping other people with theirs, which in turn, will help us forget our own problems!  I love you all...have a great week!!

Kærlig hilsen 

Ældste Fisher


1) Elder selfie
2) Sleepy Elder Welch
3) Still sleepy Elder Welch
4) Saw a cool Raptor in Frederikshavn. Had to document it because trucks are rare around here